New books are published by the Academy every year on various subjects viz. literature, literary criticism, culture, books related to the history and culture of Delhi, proceedings of seminar and symposia, books on great personalities, books for Children and also the reference books. Some books which have gone out of print have been edited and published afresh by the Academy. These books are sold at subsidized rates. Academy also undertakes the work of translation of classical books into Urdu language. The Academy has published 209 books so far including 31 Monographs on classical poets and writers. View

Allama Iqbal Monograph

Sheikh mohd ibrahim Zawak Monograph

Yagana Changezi Monograph

Zaheer Dehlvi Monograph


Urdu Theater

Urdu Sahafat ka Manzarnama

Urdu Ou Awami Zarae Iblagh

Urdu Me Baramase Ki Riwayat

Urdu Marsia

Urdu Mabaeed Jadeediyat

Urdu Inshaiya

Urdu Dastanvi Adab

Urdu Afsana

Urdu Adab Men Tanz-o-Mizah Ki Riwayat

Umang Ki Muntakhib Kahaniya

Aulya-e-Dehli Ki Dargahen