In these Rules and Regulations unless the context otherwise requires the following words and terms shall bear the meaning given here under:-
- 2(i)"ACT" means the Societies Registration Act 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act of 1957) as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi.
- 2(ii)"Society" means URDU ACADEMY OF DELHI.
- 2(iii)"Committee(s)" means the Committee(s) as may be appointed by the Executive Committee for the particular purpose of the Society
- 2(iv)"Member" means member of the Society.
- 2(v)"Executive Committee" means Executive Committee of the Society constituted under these Rules.
- 2(vi)"President/Chairman" means the President/Chairman of the Society as defined in clause here under
- 2(vii)"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Society
The Academy shall comprise of the following :-- 3.(i) **Hon’ble Minister (Incharge) of Department of Art, Culture & Languages will be the President/Chairman of Urdu Academy, Delhi as amended by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi on 27.8.2018. This amendment was also made vide Cabinet Decision No.2622 dated 7.8.2019.
- 3(ii) ***Atleast 10 (including Ex-officio Members) shall be nominated by the Hon’ble Minister Incharge ACL, Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi. They may include the officers of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Govt. of India or a local body in their personal or official capacity or other distinguished literary personalities who may be helpful in achieving the objectives of the Urdu Academy, Delhi as amended by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi on 27.8.2018
- 3(iii) The Secretary of the Academy shall be appointed by the Govt. of Delhi in accordance with the terms and conditions in Annexure “A”.
*The word Executive Director substituted vide Resolutation No. 3. **The exercise of power conferred upon by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi under the rule 16(vi) of the Rules and Regulations of Urdu Academy, Delhi. The amendments and addition have been made in the Rules and Regulations of Urdu Academy, Delhi vide Prscm/18/447 dated 20.8.2018 i.e. Rule 3 (i) and Rule 3 (ii).
- 3(iv) The selected candidate will be appointed in the scale of pay of his parent department Plus deputation pay as may be prescribed by the Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi from time to time.
- 3(v) Secretary being Head of the Department shall exercise all administrative and financial power as are being exercised by the Head of the Department of the Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi
- 4(i) The Ex-officio members shall cease to be the members of the Academy as soon as they cease to hold the office by virtue of which they were appointed members under Rules 3(ii).
- 4(ii) The terms of Office of every member other than ex-officio members (referred to in rule 3(ii) shall be two years from the date of his appointment "Provided, however, that the members, other than the ex-officio members, shall continue till their respective successors are appointed."
- 4(iii) A member shall cease to be a member of the Academy if he resigns, becomes of unsound mind, is adjudged insolvent or is convicted of criminal offence involving moral turpitude or if he is removed by Minister Incharge (ACL), Delhi from the membership of the Academy by his continued absence in two consecutive meetings without any valid reason or for any other reasons considered sufficient by him. The decision of the Minister Incharge (ACL), Delhi in this regard shall be final.
- 4(iv) Whenever a member other than an ex-officio member referred to in rule 3(ii) desires to resign from the membership of the Academy, he shall send the letter of resignation addressed to the President of the Academy and the resignation shall take effect on being accepted by the President
- 4(v) Any Vacancy in the membership of the Academy other than of the ex-officio member, shall be filled up by the Minister Incharge (ACL), Delhi and the person appointed shall hold office for the unexpired period of the term of the Academy
- 4(vi) The Academy shall function not-with-standing of vacancy in its body and not-with-standing any defect the nomination of any of its members and no act or any defect in the nomination or appointment of any of the members.
The Minister Incharge, ACL, Delhi will be the President/Chairman of the Urdu Academy of Delhi6 VICE PRESIDENT:
- 6(i) ***The Chairman/Hon’ble Minister Incharge ACL, Delhi and Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi shall nominate a Vice-President/Vice-Chairman from amongst its members other than ex-officio members and the Secretary of the Academy.
- 6(ii) The Vice President/Vice Chairman so nominated under the Rule above shall preside over the meetings of the Academy and shall exercise all the powers of the President in the absence of the President/Chairman.
**The exercise of power conferred upon by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi under the rule 16(vi) of the Rules and Regulations of Urdu Academy, Delhi. Rule No.5 & 6(i) and 6(ii) amended vide No. Pmcm/18/447 dated 20.8.2018 by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi.
- 7(i) The Secretary shall be appointed by the Minister Incharge (ACL), Delhi for such period not exceeding two years in the first instance and renewable on year to year basis, subsequently as may be deemed fit and sanction him such conveyance allowance and other facilities as may be conducive for the efficient performance of his duty
- 7(ii) Secretary shall supervise day to day working of the Academy under the over-all supervision and guidance of the President.
- 7(iii) Secretary shall be provided assistance of such PAID - Staff as may be necessary for the efficient functioning of the Academy.
- 8(i) Subject to the directions that may be given by the Committee, the Secretary shall be the Principal Executive Officer responsible for the proper administration of the Academy under the direction and guidance of the Chairman
- 8(ii)) The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual report, accounts and the budget of the Academy in such form as may be prescribed by the Government
- 8(iii) The Secretary shall prescribe the duties of the members of the staff and shall exercise such supervision and disciplinary control as may be necessary.
- 8(iv) The Secretary shall select the authors and translators regarding their works, check the manuscripts, get them edited and after obtaining the approval of the Chairman arrange for their printing. He shall also maintain liaison with the various departments of the Govt. of Delhi and other bodies on behalf of the Academy
- 9(i) The Executive shall meet at least twice a year. Fifteen days notice to the members shall be necessary for convening a meeting in the Academy.
- 9(ii) The meeting shall be called by the Secretary after consulting the President/Chairman
- 9(iii) Eight members shall constitute a quorum for the meeting of the Academy provided that no quorum shall be required for meeting held to transact a business notified for the meeting which was adjourned for want of quorum
- 9(iv) A record of the proceeding of every meeting shall be maintained
- 9(v) A decision by the majority of the members present at a meeting shall be deemed to be the decision of the Academy
- 9(vi) The first meeting of the year, which will be generally hold before March 31st shall be the Annual General Meeting
- 9(vii) A special meeting of the Academy can be requisitioned if the following conditions are
- 9(vii)(a) The requisition is made by not less than seven sitting members of the Academy
- 9(vii)(b) The requisition is made in writing to the Secretary under the signatures of the members concerned.
- 9(vii)(c) The subject matter which necessitated the requisitioned meeting is specifically stated.
- 9(viii) Vice-Chairman, Urdu Academy shall preside over the meetings of Sub-Committees and Executive Committee of Urdu Academy in the absence of Hon’ble Minister (Incharge) of Department of Art, Culture and Languages/ Chairman/President of Urdu Academy.
- 9(ix) Vice-Chairman, Urdu Academy shall preside over the meetings of Governing Council of Urdu Academy in the absence of Hon’ble Minister (Incharge) of Department of Art, Culture and Languages/ Chairman/President of Urdu Academy.
- 10(i) At the Annual General Meeting of the Academy, the Secretary shall place;
- 10(i)(a) The annual Budget of the Academy indicating estimates of the probable income and expenditure for the next financial year and supplementary demands for the current year.
- 10(i)(b) The Administrative Report on the working of the Academy for the preceding year and out-line of future programme of work
- 10(i)(c A Balance Sheet, pertaining a summary of the property assets and liabilities of the financial year duly certified by the Auditors.
- 10(i)(d) Any other matter that may be duly brought forward with the approval of the President
- 10(ii) Copies of the Balance Sheet, the Financial Statement and the report on the working of the Academy referred to in rule (i) above shall be sent by the Secretary of the Academy to the Minister Incharge (ACL), Delhi within fifteen days of the Annual General Meeting.
This committee will consist of the following:- 11(a) President of the Academy.......Chairman.
- 11(b) Vice President of Academy.......Vice Chairman.
- 11(c) Five (5) members selected by the Chairman from amongst those included in clause 3(ii) excluding the member nominated as Vice President of the Academy under the Rule
- 11(d) Secretary of the Academy.......Convener.
- 11(e) The Secretary of the Academy shall be the Convener of the Executive Committee.
**The exercise of power conferred upon by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi under the rule 16(vi) of the Rules and Regulations of Urdu Academy, Delhi. Rule No. 9(viii) and 9(ix) added vide No. Prscm/18/447 dated 20.8.2018 by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi.
- 11(f) The term of office of the Chairman and the members of the Executive Committee shall be 2 years continuance with the term of the Academy
- 11(g) Sub-Rules(i) and (iii) to (iv) of the Rule shall mutismutandis apply to the members of the committee as well.
- 11(h) If any member does not attend three consecutive meetings of the Committee without any valid reason, he shall cease to be member of the committee after a notification to this effect is issued by the Minister Incharge ACL, Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi.
- 12(i) The committee shall give effect to the decisions of the Academy on matters and arrange for carrying on the work of the Academy.
- 12(ii) The Committee shall have all powers which may be necessary or expedient for carrying out the objects of the Academy as set out in the Memorandum of Associations.
- 12(iii) Without prejudice to the Generality of the Powers conferred by Sub-rule (i) and (ii)
above the Committee shall have the following powers:-
- 12(iii)(a) To lay down its own policy regarding the production and publication of books and other literature in Urdu.
- 12(iii)(b)
- 12(iii)(c) To appoint, confirm, discharge and dismiss staff of the Academy.
- 12(iii)(d) To prescribe the condition of service of the employees of the Academy with the approval of the Academy.
- 12(iii)(e) To receive, held and expend the funds of the Academy and manage its properties and affairs
- 12(iii)(f) To purchase, take on loan or otherwise acquire or dispose off any property with previous approval of the Academy and subject to the approval of the President
- 12(iii)(g) To appoint one or more Sub-Committees by President/Chairman/Hon’ble Minister (Incharge), ACL, Govt. of Delhi for carrying out any function of the Academy.
- 12(iii)(h) To co-opt any member or members (not exceeding three) for purpose of obtaining his advice in carrying out any of its functions.
- 13(i) The Committee shall meet at least once every month and at least 3 days notice shall be necessary for every such meeting. But emergent meeting may be called at 24 hr's notice
- 13(ii) Secretary shall be Convener of the Committee and he shall call the meeting in consultation with the Chairman.
- 13(iii)(c) A record of proceeding of every meeting shall be maintained.
**The exercise of power conferred upon by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi under the rule 16(vi) of the Rules and Regulations of Urdu Academy, Delhi. Rule No. 12(iii)(g) amended vide No. Pmcm/18/447 dated 20.8.2018 by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi/Chairman, Urdu Academy, Delhi.
- 13(iii)(d) A decision by the majority of the members present at the meeting shall be deemed to be the decisions of the Committee
- 13(iv)(e) The Chairman and in his absence Vice-Chairman shall preside over all the meetings of that Committee, provided that if both are absent in a meeting one of the members present, may preside over that meeting
- 14(i) The Academy shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records.
- 14(ii) The accounts of the Academy shall be annually audited by auditors to be appointed by the Academy.
- 15(i) President of the Academy may appoint a person with accounts knowledge of financial rules and regulations to be Treasurer of the Academy and sanction him such remuneration or conveyance allowance as may be deemed appropriate
- 15(ii) The Accounts with the Bank shall be operated by and under the signature of the Treasurer and Secretary
- 16(i) The income from properties of the Academy shall be applied towards the promotion of the objects thereof as set forth in the Memorandum of Association. No portion of the income and property of the Academy shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly as dividends, bonus or otherwise to the members past or present.
- 16(ii) All contracts and other instruments relating to the Academy shall be expressed to be made in the name of the Academy and shall be executed on behalf of the Academy by the Secretary and one member of the Committee to be nominated by the Executive Committee for the purpose.
- 16(iii) The members of the Academy or of any Executive Committee appointed by it who are employees of the Govt. of Delhi or Central Government or statutory bodies shall be entitled to travelling or daily allowance according to the rules of their respective Government/Statutory bodies, Other members of the Academy shall draw daily and travelling allowances as are admissible to the Class I employees of the Govt. of India
- 16(iv) In case of any dispute as to the interpretation of these rules or on any matter not covered by these rules, the controversy shall be referred to Minister Incharge (ACL), Delhi and his decision thereon shall be final.
If on the dissolution of the Academy any property remains after the satisfaction of the debts and liabilities, the same shall be disposed off in the manner directed by the Govt. of Delhi.
The rules may be amended, added or alteration at a General Body meeting of the Academy specially requisitioned for the purpose either by the Executive Committee or by not less than 8 members of the Academy. The Secretary shall call such a meeting in consultation with the President after giving fifteen days notice.
The Urdu Academy of Delhi may sue and will be sued in the name Urdu Academy of Delhi through its Secretary.