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Terms and Conditions
- Minimum order for 5 copies of Monthly magazines for starting the membership of agency.
- Commission rate for the agency for purchasing the copies of magazines:
Upto 5 copies NIL From 10 copies to 25 copies 25% From 26 copies to 50 copies 30% From 51 copies to 100 copies 35% More than 100 copies 40% - The Postal Charges for sending the Packets of magazines by post will be deducted from the commission. The remaining amount of the cost will be paid to your post office by VPP (Value Payable Post) for obtaining the packet of magazine.
- The order must be accompanied by Rs. 15/- per copy for “Aiwan-e-Urdu” and Rs. 8/- per copy for “Bachchon Ka Mahnama Umang” as Security Money. The agency’s request for purchase of monthly magazines in bulk will not be considered, if the desired Security Money not sent in advance.
- The Security Money is kept with the Urdu Academy, Delhi till the agency continued to purchase the magazine. After discontinued the purchasing by the Agency the security money will be sent to the agencies as account detail provided by the agency.
- If the Agency will not obtain the VPP Packet of Magazines, Loss of postage etc. on return will be deducted from the security deposit and the remaining amount will be refunded when the agency closes.