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Complementary Advertisements for promotion of small Urdu Newspapers
In order to provide help to the small newspapers, magazines, souvenirs of schools and colleges of Delhi, the Academy issues complementary advertisements comprising its activities.
Supply of magazines to School Libraries
In order to equip youngsters with additional knowledge and new perspectives, the Academy has been supplying various scientific , literary and academic magazines useful for students to Urdu Schools libraries free of cost.
Monthly Financial Assistance to aged writers/poets/journalists
The Academy provides monthly financial assistance to old and needy writers/poets/journalists who have spent their valuable time for the promotion and propagation of language or to their nearest dependents.
Prizes to Urdu Toppers
The Academy gives away Cash Prizes, Mementos, Certificates to Ist & IInd Position holders of Universities/Boards of Delhi i.e. M.A. (Urdu), M.Phil Urdu, B.A.(Hons), B.Ed.(Urdu) and ETE(Urdu). Ist, IInd and IIIrd Urdu topper of Sr. Secondary Examination of CBSE and Jamia Board, Urdu Certificate Course, Urdu Calligraphy & Computer Course.
Competitions for school children
Every year Urdu Academy organizes various Educational & Cultural Competitions such as “Essay Writing”, “Debate”, “Quiz ”, “Bait Bazi”, “Ghazal Saraii”, “Drama” and “Umang Painting” etc. for the students of Primary, Middle, Secondary and Sr. Secondary level. About 3000 students participate in these competitions every year . First three position holders in these competitions are given Cash Prize, alongwith Shield/Mementos and Certificate. In addition, all participating students are given a free subscription of the Children’s magazine Umang for one year. Trophies are also presented to schools with best overall performance and maximum participation.Events are also organized for nurturing and recognising the teaching and mentoring talent and skills of Urdu teachers.
Urdu Coaching Classes
The Academy organizes orientation and guidance classes for candidates appearing for competitive examinations like CTET , B’ Ed, TGT recruitment etc. It also organizes career counseling activities for Urdu knowing students.